Skin Resurfacing

Skin Resurfacing

Skin resurfacing is a niche treatment specifically customizable to shave lesions such as keratosis or to boost collagen to address skin concerns such as acne scars and aging. Laser resurfacing is typically used for the treatment of wrinkles, solar lentigines, sun damage, scaring (acne scars and surgical scars), stretch marks and actinic keratosis.

Over time, as we age and our skin is affected by internal and external factors (such as sun, stress, pollution) the cell renewal rate slows down causing the dead skin layer on the surface to be thicker, making lines, pores and pigmentation seem more obvious. Tissue repair and cell regeneration slows down and signs of aging start to appear. Resurfacing the skin can address these concerns and more.

Resurfacing can be delivered in either ablative or non-ablative modes depending on the condition treated and downtime.

Ablative, as seen with the MCL-31, creates small surface wounds which over time creates collagen and elastin to improve skin texture, quality and overall health.
Non-ablative, as seen in the Tixel keeps the skin intact.
Unlike chemical peels, dermabrasion or other forms of resurfacing, laser and TMA (Thermo-Mechanical Ablation) resurfacing allows the operator to customise the treatment specific to the individual patient, treatment area, concern and downtime.

While some treatments lead to improved skin only at the surface, clinically proven MCL-31 and Tixel treatments alters structures below the surface, creating unique results by leaving healthy skin intact between the treated areas. This allows for faster healing with continued regeneration and improvements in wrinkles, tone, texture and discoloration.


MCL31 Skin

The MCL-31 is a state of the art Erbium laser system